The Little Things

 I was scrolling through TikTok and a video really spoke to me. It was a I podcast and the gentleman said that in 20 years, no one at your work will remember that you stayed late or worked on your day off, but you know who will remember?

Your kids.

That made me pause and think about what I am doing to be present for the right people in my life.

Now I know I can’t always leave work on time or not occasionally work on my days off, but that should be the exception, not the rule. If I tell my children I’m going to be at their event, play or game, I need to be there.

Over the past few years, our family has been shown time and time again that life is very short. Losing family members that are younger than you suddenly really makes you open your eyes to that fact.

When I look back on my time with those family members that have passed, I remember the laughter, the little moments we shared.

I want my kids to remember the little things like playing cards with them, making up silly games, laughing over our made up words. I don’t want them to remember me attached to my phone working.

I know they are going to remember the big things, but I hope we are making little moments that are special to them too.

What are some little moments you are making as a family? 

Share them with us on our Facebook and Instagram.

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